Identify key issues/needs of job seekers and recruiters and develop user personas.
In order to develop a rich understanding of our users worldview, we needed to understand their skills, attitudes, motivations, environment and goals during job hunting. To acquire this quantitative feedback I conducted ethnographic interviews (n=11) and asked participants a series of questions regarding demographics, personal background, need, pain points, and how they currently job hunt.
These interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using grounded theory (Glaser, 1967) approach to systematically identify relationships, sequences pattern and themes and elaborate small generalizations to inform a theory about their biggest issues or needs.
Glaser, B. G. and Strauss, A. L. (1967) The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research, Chicago: Aldine De Gruyter.
Findings from interviews lead the company to adapt to more specific target audiences. This is an example of a persona created by UX designer Juan Fernando Maestro.
- Visioning of study, prep study, recruitment, analysis and report findings/insights to team and stakeholders.
- Synthesized a report featuring key issues and pain points of job seekers.
- Created outline of user personas including demographics, quotes, motivations, strategies, pain point/triggers, online tools, level of experience that was used by designers to create visual graphics (see above graphic created by designer Juan Fernando).
the impact
As a result of these findings, the company:
- refined their target audiences,
- shifted the product architecture to address biggest pain points,
- generated a Customer Empathy Map, which brought the entire team together, and provided a rich understand of our users worldview, and;
- reported greater team cohesion, and motivation to build a better product.